The Onion & The Garlic (Si Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih)

This is Kitchen Art. This submission for ART in the KITCHEN is inspired by Indonesia's most essential cooking ingredients. In my country, almost every recipe using Onion and Garlic, or ‘Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih’--and when I say almost, I might've said ALWAYS, and not just that, is also one of the famous Indonesian folktales about two half-sisters named Bawang Merah (onion) and Bawang Putih (garlic), passed down orally through the generations. Like most folktales, the story is full of lessons regarding family values, patience, and in the end; good deeds will always be rewarded and evil will be punished. Bawang Putih is the good and kind daughter, while Bawang Merah is the cruel one.
These onions and garlic are always there in every kitchen in our country (and any other country!), just like good and evil (although the combination of onion and garlic is such an amazing taste in cooking). I'm not saying that onions are evil but with this drawing, I want to always remember the 'flavor' of life, good and bad, happiness and sadness, night and day, etc. There are always two sides to a story, everything in this world is in pairs, and in my kitchen, there's laughter, tears, life, and even death of our cats but we always back to that tiny room we call the kitchen. And I can guarantee, no food tastes good without onion and garlic. We even eat it raw! I just love onion and garlic!

Watercolor, gouache, pencil color and marker.


Jakarta, DKI, ID

Nice write-up
Thank you!